Love your Fellow Nations

Customer [4:52:27 AM]: we promise to defeate your government
Tech[4:52:37 AM]: thats cool
Customer [4:52:48 AM]: sooooooooon not later we will do
Tech [4:52:51 AM]: did you have a real question or are you just wanting to be immature?
Customer [4:53:17 AM]: i am mature but very angry
Tech [4:53:18 AM]: because I’m sorry but if you’re just wanting to be immature… I really don’t have much patience for it
Customer [4:53:32 AM]: and iam too
Tech [4:53:34 AM]: if you were mature you wouldnt open such a ridiculous line of dialogue
Tech [4:53:38 AM]: with someone you don’t know
Tech [4:53:56 AM]: do you realize how silly you are making yourself look right now?
Tech [4:54:07 AM]: and what a poor statement you are making for your cause?
Customer [4:54:14 AM]: you are american and that is enough to get my hate
Tech [4:54:21 AM]: if you wanted to TRULY defeat our government
Tech [4:54:30 AM]: why dont you try acting BETTER than our government
Tech [4:54:39 AM]: instead of acting like a spoiled child?
Tech [4:54:42 AM]: just a thought
Customer [4:54:44 AM]: i will do
Tech [4:54:45 AM]: chew on it a while
Tech [4:54:47 AM]: have a good day